Monday, August 29, 2016

Week 4 August 22 — August 28

Monday: Active recovery. Two of my roommates, Hannah and Nicole, invited me to come play pick up soccer. I played soccer in elementary school and middle school, but I was never any good. I spent more time running punishment runs for talking too much at practice than I did actually practicing soccer. Although I am not very good I thought it would be a nice light and fun workout… Pick up soccer in Schenley park is no joke. Nicole has amazing footwork skills and Hannah is a really good defender; I on the other hand was really good at running in circles trying to keep up with the ball. I had such a fun time playing, but I was exhausted afterwards and I will probably be feeling it tomorrow.

Tuesday: Steel City Road Runners track workout — 1200 meter repeats with 2 minute rest. I was really sore after pick up soccer, but I was very excited for my first workout with the Steel City Road Runners. The track workout was up at the Schenley Oval, which is about a 20-minute walk from my house. My friends, Alison and David, were nice enough to walk me to the workout since I did not know where I was going. Once I got to the track I left them and went about finding my running club. There were a few different running clubs there, but after asking around I finally found my group. The coaches were very nice and ran a warm up lap with me before the real workout began. I was nervous for the track workout because I haven’t been working on my speed and everyone else looked like they could maintain a very fast pace for a very long time. Luckily the coaches broke everyone up into groups based on our race paces. I ran with the 8:30 min/mile group and had a great first two sets. By set 3 I was feeling tired and my calves were cramping up, so I slowed my pace down a little bit so that I could finish set 3 and actually run a set 4. Tonight was a great experience running with seasoned runners. However, I don't think I will be going out of my way to make track workouts in the future because I am not racing for time at this point in my racing career. I am just looking to maintain a pace similar to my training runs, so that I have an enjoyable first half marathon experience.  

Wednesday: Hot yoga. Hannah and I went to a hot yoga class today in Shadyside. I have never done a hot yoga class and I had no clue what to expect. I was not expecting the studio to feel like a 100 degrees, but I guess that's why it is called hot yoga!! I instantly started sweating and by the time the class started—10 minutes after we registered—I was dripping. The class was very strenuous and surprisingly relaxing. I really enjoyed focusing on my breathing because I think it will really help me when I am running. I plan to make yoga a weekly practice!

Thursday: Rest day

Friday: 3.5 miles in 34:22 minutes. Today I found one of my new favorite challenges…the Upper Panther Hollow trail in Schenley Park. I started this trail on a nice downhill section with a smile on my face; however, that smile soon faded as I quickly approached what looked like a never ending hill. According to my TomTom Spark I climbed 527 feet, which might not seem like a lot but considering that I am in a city that seems and FELT like a really long climb. I was really happy to maintain a pace of 9:59 min/mile considering I normally do not train on hilly trails.

Saturday: 4 miles in 37:09 minutes. I decided to run part of the Upper Panther Hollow trail again before taking the Birdle trail for the remainder of my run. Both of these trails have some nice rolling hills, which I find very challenging. I was super happy that I ran negative splits for the first 3 miles even though I couldn't maintain that pace for my last mile (9:53, 9:14, 8:34, 9:19).

Sunday: 10 miles. I ran my first 10 miler. It was the most physically and mentally taxing run I have ever been on. The first 4 miles consisted of constant hills and technical terrain. My calves were screaming at me to quit and the heat was getting to my head. I was ready to give up, but I kept telling myself just run one more mile. Before I knew it was mile 9 and I was feeling good until the skies opened. I have never had to run in a torrential down pour with thunder and lightening being my motivator to finish. By the time I reached mile 10 I was soaked in both sweat, rain, and tears. My legs were shot and I had nothing left in the tank to sprint the last hill and half mile to get to my house. I ended up walking in the rain feeling physically defeated yet mentally triumphant! Running hills is hard, running in the heat is hard, running in the rain is hard, running with chronic compartmental syndrome is hard, running alone is hard, but I was able to overcome these obstacles to complete my goal. This was the second to last long run before I begin tapering for my half marathon on the 18th!!

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